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Good tactical abilities are an indispensable component of practical playing strength.




This app offers the user a selection of tactically oriented positions which he or she has to solve on their own. In it you have a rich fund of test positions with which you can train and improve your calculation of variations. The program helps with constructive tips. There are no time limits whatsoever, you can afterwards analyse the positions with the chess engine.


Alternatively you can get into a Tactics Fight. Take on a match against another participant over 12 easy positions. The first one to solve a position gets a point. If one gives a wrong solution, the opponent gets a point. If no one moves within 60 seconds, the next position is shown.


At the start of the app you have the choice.




Solve tactics

Improve your calculation of variations. Solve the tactics positions which suit your playing strength. With contructive tips. No time pressure. Analyse the position with the in-built engine.


Play a tactics fight

Get into a match over 12 easy positions. The first to solve a position gets a point. If a wrong answer is entered the opponent gets a point. If no one moves within 60 seconds the next position is shown. You will find the positions in your fights in mygames.chessbase.com