Web Apps

Information about the ChessBase Account

Information about the ChessBase Account

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Information about the ChessBase Account

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The ChessBase Account which will give you full and permanent access to our new services – Playchess, Live Database, My Games Cloud, etc.


They run in a browser on Windows, Mac, iPads, Androids, smartphones.


You have surely noticed the ChessBase Account column on the right side of our news page.




It gives you quick access to the various services that the Account offers – functions that will run on any browser and on any device: PC notebooks, iPads, Android tablets, smartphones.


If you simply click one of the services you will be taken to it; if you click on ChessBase Account at the top you will go to a page with all the services (and can go to specific pages from there). You will be asked to log in, but can ignore that and proceed to try out the service offered.


Trying out the functions without registering means that some of them will not have the full scope, e.g. the Training page will give you access to 1000 positions, not the 40,000 you get when you are properly registered. Which is what we want to do now.


The strength of the Web Apps in combination with the ChessBase Account is above all that their use is possible no matter on which system. All Web Apps can therefore be used with a PC, tablet or even in combination with a smartphone.


Let us assume you have clicked on the yellow "Openings" panel and come to this page, where you are asked to log in. If you have clicked the log in window away you can always return to it using the Log in button on the top right of the page:



This is the log in window you will see the following log-in window:




Here you are asked to insert your Account details, which will be saved for the next time you access one of the services. If you are already a Premium Playchess user you simply enter you Playchess name and password, and then are ready to go. No extra payment – you have full access to all services!


If you do not have an account then you should click on the “Create Account” button. This will take you to a ChessBase Account creation page where you can enter your details:




Once you have fill out the above page and clicked on Register you will get an email (sent to the address given) asking you to verify your email account and giving you further instructions.


Once this is done you get three months of free access to all the features of the ChessBase account. So if you have created an account on the 1st of December you get the free access until the 1st of March.


To make a full and permanent account you must decide whether the Starter or the Premium account is better for you. This page will specify the exact difference between the two.




At the bottom of the page you can select whether you want a Starter or Premium account and for how long:




After making your decision you will be asked to fill out your address (and confirm your email).


Now you can add your payment details.


With that you have a valid account and are set to go – for a month or a year.


Naturally the system will remember your details and will take you to straight to any ChessBase Account service with a single click – for instance if you click on Openings on our news page that will take you straight to the Openings trainer, without further ado.