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Using a Cloud Engine privately

Using a Cloud Engine privately

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Using a Cloud Engine privately

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If you own several computers you can connect them with Engine Cloud and use them for a single analysis.


First you have to start the program on the computer on which the engine is installed. Click on the menu Engine – Open Cloud Engines.


Log on with the user name of your account. In the selection window pick the engine you want to use as a Cloud Engine and select the option „Offer private engine“.


Private Offer


Now start Kommodo on the other computer that you want to use for the analysis, and select Engine – Open Cloud Engines again.


Open Cloud


Log on with the same account as before. The engine that you have provided is displayed in the list in blue. If you only want to see the private engines in the dialog tick the box „Private Only“.


Double clicking an engine in the list opens the connection window, and the engine is now shown in the board window ready to be used for analysis or playing games.