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Providers of Cloud Engines

Providers of Cloud Engines

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Providers of Cloud Engines

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Can an engine be offered just to a small group of users?

In the engine settings there is section for „Private Users“. Here you can list the users who are allowed to access your engine.



What do the stars in the „Experience“ column mean?

This shows how often a provider’s engine has been used. The number of stars is based on the number of times it has been used, the number of different users, the number of Likes and the ducats that have been earned.





What price should I ask for my system configuration?

The price is decided by supply and demand. You should start off by offering your Cloud Engine free of charge. This will allow you to gather experiences and decide on a suitable price.



What does „Max Time for Fixed Rate“ mean?

The fixed rate protects the user of a Cloud Engine from being outbid. After the time limit specified by the provider has been reached the Clound Engine is open for new bids, even though the current user can continue if there are no bids.



Can more than one engine be offered on a computer?

No. The identification of an engine is a combination of the user name, the engine name and the hardware key. This combination is unique for every engine.