Fritz 15 Help

Game Title

Game Title

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Game Title

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When a game is saved a description text can be added to it, dependent on the default language. The dialog has been extended to take this into account.


Under the "Game Title" the text and the language in which it is to be displayed are input.


These texts can be used to quickly find certain types of games. The texts that you have created are listed in the game index and player index to reference games.  These texts are displayed when you click on the button "Special Titles" in the menu Player - Games - Tournament Index. This gives you the possibility to freely classify games however you want without having to access them via the player names. This gives you another way to quickly access games of a specific type.


The new index is excellent for the easy classification and access of games which might be very difficult to filter with other options.


Setting Games Titles is possible with the ChessBase 13 software only!