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Displaying thinking time

Displaying thinking time

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Displaying thinking time

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The chess clock with Fritz displays elapsed thinking time for both sides.


The left hand clock is for White and the one on the right shows the time used by Black.




The program has two sorts of chess clock, digital and analog, and you can choose between them with a right click in the clock window. The window for the chess clock can also display the logo for the engine which is working (right click on the window). What is particularly informative is to make use of the chess clock with doubIe digital display. The simplest way to call this up is with a right click in the clock window when you will find the entry "Double digital" which displays it. The upper clock always shows the complete time and the lower one the time you are spending per move.


You can also choose to display on the clock the specific difference in thinking time between the two players, either when playing against Kommodo or on This informative representation of difference in thinking time is especially useful when playing blitz or bullet games on




The value displayed in green figures shows a positive value. In this display, White has a concrete time advantage of 20 seconds over his opponent. A similar negative value would be expressed in red figures.




This display can be set up either with a right click on the clock and via the context menu or alternatively via the options dialog under "Menu File - Options – Clocks + Notation".

