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Visualize Search

Visualize Search

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Visualize Search

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Menu File- Options - Engine – Visualize Search


Note: Some Engine do not support this feature!


While the program is thinking about a move, either during a game or during game analysis, the program gives detailed information in the engine window, for example the evaluation, the search depth and the best continuation line.


The variation board offers a display of the best line, which can be played through in the variation board.


The option " Visualize Search " goes one step further. During the Infinite Analysis (ALT-F2) it uses graphics to display not only tactical manoeuvres, but also possible plans for both sides.


This example shows how the function works.


The orange arrows show the plans that the progam prefers for White, the blue arrows show the plans that have been calculated for Black.


Possible destination squares are coloured green if they play a special role in the tactical manoeuvres. In the above example the square f5 is very important, and so the move f7-f5 is displayed as Black’s main plan.


Note: This function is currently only available for the main engine, and is not supported by other engines..


It is recommendable to give the program more time to think in critical positions. The more time the program has, the more informative his resuts will be.