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Rules B: Rapidplay

Rules B: Rapidplay

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Rules B: Rapidplay

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B1. A 'rapidplay game' is one where all the moves must be made in a fixed time between 15 to 60 minutes.


B2. Play shall be governed by the FIDE Laws of Chess, except where they are overridden by the following Laws.


B3. Players do not need to record the moves.


B4. Once each player has made three moves, no claim can be made regarding incorrect piece placement, orientation of the chessboard or clock setting.


B5. The arbiter shall make a ruling according to Articles 4 and 10, only if requested to do so by one or both players.


B6. The flag is considered to have fallen when a valid claim to that effect has been made by a player. The arbiter shall refrain from signalling a flag fall.


B7. To claim a win on time, the claimant must stop both clocks and notify the arbiter. For the claim to be successful, the claimant's flag must remain up and his opponent's flag down after the clocks have been stopped.


B8. If both flags have fallen, the game is drawn.