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Rules 12: The conduct of the players

Rules 12: The conduct of the players

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Rules 12: The conduct of the players

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12.1. High standards of etiquette are expected of the players.


12.2. During play the players are forbidden to make use of any notes, sources of information, advice, or to analyse on another chessboard.

The scoresheet shall be used only for recording the moves, the times of the clocks, the offer of a draw, and matters relating to a claim.


12.3. No analysis is permitted in the playing room when play is in progress, whether by players or spectators. Players who have finished their games shall be considered to be spectators.


12.4. The players are not allowed to leave the 'playing venue' without permission from the arbiter. The playing venue is defined as the playing area, rest rooms, refreshment area, area set aside for smoking and other places as designated by the arbiter. The player having the move is not allowed to leave the playing area without permission of the arbiter.


12.5. It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any manner whatsoever; this includes the persistent offer of a draw.


12.6. Infraction of any part of the Articles 12.2 to 12.5 shall lead to penalties in accordance with Article 13.4.


12.7. The game is lost by a player who persistently refuses to comply with the Laws of Chess. The opponent's score shall be decided by the arbiter.


12.8. If both players are found guilty according to Article 12.7, the game shall be declared lost by both players.