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Threatened squares

Threatened squares

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Threatened squares

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Training – Threatened squares




Displays the status of each piece on the board.


Generate/do-it.gif    A red square means that the piece is under attack and not sufficiently defended, or that it is being attacked by a piece of lesser value. This is usually a pretty serious danger signal and means you must take active measures to avoid losing a piece.


Generate/do-it.gif    Yellow means that the piece is under attack, but it is just sufficiently defended. You must be careful about removing any defending piece.


Generate/do-it.gif    Green means the piece has enemy contact but is well defended. Usually it is okay to remove a defending piece.




Help with your moves

With the “threatened squares” function switched on, the program will, in addition, help you with the move you are about to make. When you click a piece, all squares to which it can legally move are displayed in the corresponding colour codes:


Generate/do-it.gif    red for danger squares on which you will almost certainly lose material,

Generate/do-it.gif    yellow for contested squares, and

Generate/do-it.gif    green for safe ones.