ChessBase 14

Search for games between players whose Elo ratings differ greatly

Search for games between players whose Elo ratings differ greatly

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Search for games between players whose Elo ratings differ greatly

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In the search mask the program offers the possibility of targeting your search on games played between a particularly strong player and an opponent with a drastically inferior rating.


Such searches can be carried out with the aid of the button “Difference” in the search mask.




Let us assume you are interested in those games of Garry Kasparov which he played during his active career against players whose Elo rating was clearly much lower than his.


Let us take an example:




In it we are looking for all the games of Kasparov which he played against opponents whose Elo rating was around 600 points lower than his. The search window in Mega immediately comes up with the relevant games from the database.




What is exciting in connection with this function is the question as to whether during his active career Kasparov ever lost to a clearly weaker opponent, possibly even with White? So in the search mask we do not tick “Ignore colours” and set the game result to be 0:1 (a win for Black).


The result is impressive, since Mega can only find a single game from 1996, played of course in a simultaneous and not therefore a genuine tournament game.




So, during his career Kasparov never had a “misfire” in his tournament games against clearly weaker opponents!