ChessBase 14

Page setup - Print games

Page setup - Print games

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Page setup - Print games

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Board window: Menu File – Print – Page Setup – tab Print games.




do-it1   Game number: inserts the record number from the gameslist.


do-it1  ECO code: inserts the ECO code of the game.


do-it1   Annotations: works only after searches when printing several games from a list. Example: You want to print an overview of a repertoire by someone. You search for "Player" and print the games and print Up to move 15 to get the opening. You do not want the analysis of the games, but the openings played. Here you can switch the annotations off.


do-it1   Justify colums: will fill up the the text with spaces in order to get two straight "newspaper-like" margins.


do-it1   Diagrams: enables the diagrams to be printed which are inserted in the game by using a rightclick on a move and insert diagram.


do-it1   Analysis diagrams small: is used for diagrams which are inserted in variations and it will print the diagram smaller than normal to indicate the difference between the game and annotations.


do-it1   Up to move: See Annotations, works only after searches when printing several games from a list.


do-it1   Tournament: inserts the name of the tournament.


do-it1   Elo numbers: inserts the Elo ratings of the players.


do-it1   Annotator: inserts the annotator of the game.


do-it1   Paragraphs: forces the program to start a variation on a new line.


do-it1   Diagrams directly: the diagram is inserted at exactly the same point as entered in the annotation. When this option is off and the diagram does not fit in the remainder of a column, the game notation continues and the diagram is inserted at the top of the next column.


do-it1   Use color: will set the font color for the commentary in blue, which can be used with color printers.


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