ChessBase 14

FAQ concerning the ChessBase Account

FAQ concerning the ChessBase Account

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FAQ concerning the ChessBase Account

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If you have questions about your ChessBase Account, please do not hesitate and turn immediately to


Where do I enter my serial number?

Under User data you will find the section My ChessBase account.


Here you will find the basic information concerning your account, e.g. time remaining and the entry Prolong membership by serial number. Enter your serial number.



Updating from Starter to Premium

You recently acquired the Starter subscription and would now like to update to Premium. Is that possible, and if so: how?


Moving up from Starter to Premium is something you can do yourself. Log in with your account and click on your user name. Call up your “user data”. Click on “Change Starter to Premium Account”. The server now offers to change your remaining period as “Starter” to a new remaining period as “Premium”.


Normally speaking the server will suggest a change with the ratio of 3:2 – for 3 months of Starter subscription you get 2 months of Premium. (If you still have a Starter subscription for several years, a transfer to a maximum period of 3 years Premium will be offered.)