ChessBase 13

Clip database

Clip database

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Clip database

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The "Clip database" stores references to games from different databases. It is a virtual database that behaves just like a normal one, except that it is not stored permanently. Typically, in the clip database you collect games you encounter when browsing through or searching in other databases. Since the clip database only stores references, changes like marking games for deletion or unannotating will happen on the original games.


Symbol Clip Database

This is the symbol of the clip database. You will always find it in the "My databases " window.


How to get games into the clip database


DO-IT    In the database window drag a database icon onto the clip database.


DO-IT    In a list window mark one or more games (Ctrl-click, Shift-cursor keys or Ctrl-A for all games), right-click and use Edit – Clip or Unclip. You can also mark the games and press F5.


DO-IT    In a list window mark one or more games and press Ctrl-C (copy). Switch to the database window, click the clip database and press Ctrl-V (paste). You can also use Copy and Paste in the Edit or in the right-click menu.


DO-IT    In the players index, the tournament index, annotators index or source index you can mark one or more entries and press F5 (or right-click) to copy the games into the clip database. The clip database is stored to disk when you leave the program and is available the next time you start. Again, it does not store the games, only references to them.

How to remove games from the clip database


DO-IT    Open the clip database (double-click), mark games using Ctrl-click, Shift-cursor keys or Ctrl-A for all games, right-click the selection and use Remove Selected (or press F5). You can also use Edit – Remove unselected games to remove all the others.


DO-IT    List window: Click Remove Selected in the Edit menu to remove the marked games.


DO-IT    List window: Click Erase Clipboard in the Edit menu (or press Ctrl-Alt-V) to remove all games.


DO-IT    Right-click the clip database symbol and use Erase Clipboard (or press Ctrl-Alt-V).

Erasing games from the clipboard does not remove or delete them from the databases.


How to copy games from the clip database to a different location


DO-IT    Mark games in the clip database list and use Drag & Drop to move them into another list or onto a database symbol.


DO-IT    Drag the clip database symbol onto another database symbol.


DO-IT    Mark games in the clip database list, or click the clip database icon, and press Ctrl-C. Click a destination list or database symbol and press Ctrl-V.